
It's Been A Long Time

New posts...soon!



Yes two months. Report to the headmasters study for not doing your blog homework :-)

Looking forward to your resumed posting.


Anonymous said...

Ummm... hi, sub nouveau. May I introduce myself? This is Eve... I came across your name in a comment on Persephone's blog about Sir Roper (Confessions of an English Gentleman). In your post, you mentioned that you managed to retrieve the 'cached' version of his blog, and that it could be found on google. Sadly, I can't seem to access that - it's all filled with advertisements now. I'm really sorry to be troubling you (and I do apologise) - I just wondered... did you keep a copy of Sir Roper's posts? (I did keep some, but I didn't have access to the internet for many months before his blog closed, so I'm missing all those posts...). Ermmmm... I don't know if you remember any of this, or what the likelihood is that anyone kept his posts, but the lack of his blog troubles me intermittently, and then I keep searching... and then I saw your name and it seemed like you might have kept his posts, and this is just a long shot. If you do have them, would you mind sharing them with me? Thank you very much for reading this far :-) -Eve- (daileid84@hotmail.com)

EeeFah said...

Me too! Missed you chick.

FilthOverdrive said...

It's been eons.
I'm still here!